Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I just want sleep! (FC)

Last year began the downward spiral that is my life. Since last year the most sleep I've gotten so far is about 6 hours. Last year was so intense mostly because of AP chemistry and US history, those two classes killed me. I would come to school on barely any sleep, and even on absolutely no sleep which is just complete misery. This year I get a little more sleep but not enough, and I have noticed how it has negatively affected me in school. I find myself forgetting a lot of things that I wouldn't have forgotten two years ago. This especially worries me in math because that's what I want to do with my life, and it requires memorization. Not only is it affecting my memory but it's affecting my ability to pay attention. I might think I'm paying attention, but when it comes down to the work I realize that I actually have no idea what the teacher said. I think that maybe I should work on better time management skills, so that I can get the right amount of sleep.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What it's like to be the problem (ID)

In my leadership class we read about W.E.B. Du Bois and when he realized he was different; when he realized the true difference between his skin color and "their" skin color. Being an educated black man Du Bois had to deal with a lot of criticism from the "other world" as he liked to put it, and it really opened his eyes to the harsh reality of what being a person of color really means. Along with this realization came a very important question every minority has to face, what is it like to be the problem? Du Bois had no response because he did not know how to answer this question. How exactly is someone suppose answer this question, how is one suppose to feel knowing they are a problem? In my opinion it depends what kind of problem you are. Being the minority we are automatically viewed as a problem, but you can choose whether you want  to be a good problem or a bad problem. Someone who chooses to go down the wrong path and just waste their life on the streets will become a bad type of problem. Someone who chooses to do something with their life and takes advantage of opportunities to become the best at what they do will become type of problem. I consider this a good type of problem because you are being viewed as competition which means you are standing at the same level or maybe even at a higher lever than your white competitor. At the end of they day you are a problem, but it's up to you to decide which type of problem you are going to be.